Our Approach

Discover a new path.

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Our programs and services support the creation and launch of your culture and leadership development strategies so that we can truly be your partner, holding and executing a clear plan from implementation all the way through to evaluation. Whatever shape each engagement with our clients takes, they start where they always have — with a clear understanding of your needs, desires, and objectives.

All of the work we do rests on three foundational pillars: Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, and Practice.




Soft skills are the new hard skills.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and feelings, as well as those of others. Leaders can consistently apply emotional intelligence to access the self-awareness required to improve team results, workplace culture, and employee fulfillment. Since emotional intelligence is fluid, we can continue to expand it intentionally throughout the course of our lives.

Our programs are grounded in emotional intelligence and designed to teach leaders to practice their self-leadership before they exercise their skills to lead others.

3fold’s coaches are certified to conduct EQ-i 2.0® and EQ 360® emotional intelligence assessments. Assessment results provide insight about where leaders can best focus their energy for effective self and team development.

When organizations invest in developing the emotional intelligence of their people they experience higher levels of employee engagement and talent retention, increased team performance, and more overall well-being.



Lead with ease.

An essential part of becoming a great leader is developing the ability to manage yourself during times of challenge and change. Widening our awareness strengthens our ability to notice when we’re reacting to situations rather than making intentional choices.

We incorporate mindfulness practices into our facilitation and coaching that become routine, supporting leaders to be present and focused while experiencing more ease and well-being. Our coaches work with leaders one-on-one to apply new approaches to managing real situations.

When we bring focused breathing exercises, mini-meditations and self-compassion practices into our client engagements, we support intentional changes in behaviour that elevate performance and drive success.



The neuroscience of learning.

Our approach underscores the fundamental role of practice in cultivating fresh skills, fostering the development of new habits, and nurturing neuroplasticity, which empowers the brain to operate in novel and previously unexplored ways.

Our programs span time so that participants have ample space for skill-based practice between guided and facilitated sessions. In our group programs, participants form a community of practice where they learn from one another by sharing their insights and discussing the ongoing experience of building their capacity.

Our coaching programs provide the keys to turning knowledge into skills, behaviour, and long-lasting change, among a host of other benefits, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and stronger performance.



Transformative! Forget about traditional management training, 3fold provides a leadership development program that has a deep, real, and lasting impact for your organization.

Victoria PETRIW
Executive Vice President — North America, Conversion
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